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Stand up Comedy - the BLACK Show - 포스터

기타Stand up Comedy - the BLACK Show -

  • 공연기간2023.02.10 ~ 2023.02.10 (종료)
  • 공연시간 평일( 1회:20:00~22:00 )
  • 공연장소the BLACK
  • 공연분류기타
  • 주최the BLACK
  • 문의010-4683-8330
  • 관람연령19세 이상
  • 공연가격 유료 (1 Person KRW15000)

공연세부정보 내용 시작

< NOTICE : This show is held in English > the BLACK Show : the FIRST Collaborated Show - Stand up Comedy & Jazz Live Music - 8PM Friday 10th Feb. 2023 [ 15,000won ] Part I. Standup Comedy performance by Darkdegary comedy club Part II. Jazz Live Music performance by Moonstone band Part III. DJ After party with Comedians and Musicians

공연장소정보 내용 시작

공연 이미지 내용 시작

  • Stand up Comedy - the BLACK Show - 1
  • Stand up Comedy - the BLACK Show - 2
  • Stand up Comedy - the BLACK Show - 3
  • Stand up Comedy - the BLACK Show - 4
  • Stand up Comedy - the BLACK Show - 1
  • Stand up Comedy - the BLACK Show - 2
  • Stand up Comedy - the BLACK Show - 3
  • Stand up Comedy - the BLACK Show - 4

Youtube 내용 시작

공연세부정보 내용 시작

< NOTICE : This show is held in English > the BLACK Show : the FIRST Collaborated Show - Stand up Comedy & Jazz Live Music - 8PM Friday 10th Feb. 2023 [ 15,000won ] Part I. Standup Comedy performance by Darkdegary comedy club Part II. Jazz Live Music performance by Moonstone band Part III. DJ After party with Comedians and Musicians


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